
Teaching Interests

During my time at the University of Iowa, I have taught as a teaching assistant and teaching instructor for a variety of classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. At the undergraduate level as a TA, I taught Introduction to American Foreign Policy and Introduction to Political Analysis while as a Teaching Instructor, I taught Designing Political Research. At the graduate level, I teach the Introductory Math Camp for incoming PhD students and serve as Graduate Teaching Instructor for the probability and statistics lab for first-year PhD students. Outside of the Department, I also work as a statistical consultant for the Iowa Social Science Research Center.

From my teaching experience, I can effectively teach small discussion-based classes, mid-size simulation classes, and larger lecture classes. Topically, at the undergraduate level I can teach Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Comparative Politics, Introduction to Research Methods (quantitative), a Conflict Processes seminar, and a Climate Change and Conflict seminar. At the graduate level, I am prepared to teach an International Relations seminar, a Civil War seminar, Introductory Probability and Statistics, and a Measurement Theory class.

Click on the underlined course titles for selected syllabi. In addition, I also have a sample syllabus for a proposed course covering the intersection of conflict, climate, and migration which can be found here.

Courses Taught


  • POLI 5001: Introductory Statistics Math Lab

    • Taught a one-hour weekly lab for first-year graduate students covering set theory, calculus, matrix algebra, and statistical programming.

  • POLI 2000: Designing Political Research

    • Taught an introductory-level undergraduate quantitative and qualitative methods course, which covered research design, probability theory, survey design, interview methodology, and interpreting social science research.

    • Each student presented their own research designs as a final project.

  • Summer Math Camp for Incoming Graduate Students

    • Taught a week-long basic mathematics and statistics course for incoming graduate students.

Teaching Assistant